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Prominent Excel Sdn Bhd

Basement 1, Block A, Kelana Centre Point,Jalan SS 7/19, Kelana Jaya,47301,Petaling Jaya,Selangor

Prominent Excel Sdn Bhd (Excel Parking) has been providing professional parking management and consultancy services and solutions since 2002. Our extensive experience and expertise in the industry, coupled with ongoing in-depth research and development, means we understand your unique requirements and can provide a tailored solution that meets your every need.

Excel Parking’s philosophy of excellent customer service, undergirded by the latest innovative technologies, is key to delivering a user-friendly parking experience while ensuring maximum profitability.

Over the years, our experience with different international and local brands of parking equipment has given us invaluable knowledge on the latest in equipment and software technologies and their emerging trends to ensure the most suited site-specific installation at the most competitive pricing.

Our knowledge of the parking industry is further enhanced by stringent audit control, effective risk assessment, and site-specific research to ensure the adherence to Standard Operation Procedures and the commitment towards operational excellence.

Excel Parking corporate social responsibility includes minimising environmental impact in parking and supporting NGOs towards social reform.

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