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FRIM Incorporated Sdn Bhd

JKR 629, Wisma FRIM Inc.,Jalan Watson, FRIM,52109,Kepong,WP kuala Lumpur
+603 6262 8871

The establishment of FRIM Incorporated Sdn Bhd or FRIM Inc. in 2017 is a new commercialization platform to improvise and strengthen commercialization efforts of FRIM R&D findings and experts.

This initiative was spearheaded by YBhg Dato’ Dr. Latif Mohmod, the former Director General of FRIM, and officially launched on February 2, 2018, by the former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia.

At FRIM Inc., we focus on strategic business development rooted in R&D-based technologies and products. Our activities include a comprehensive range of promotional and marketing efforts designed to penetrate the market and sustain business growth.

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