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Envosha Sdn Bhd

Lot 13A, Jalan RP3,Rawang Industrial Estate,Rawang, Selangor D.E, Malaysia.48000,Rawang,Selangor
60 3-6092 6881

It is the prime duty of an employer to create a healthy and safe working environment for his/her employees. To ensure that all the businesses fulfill this responsibility, the government has passed many health and environmental regulations to ensure the safety of the employees. To help the government with such good cause, we, Envosha Sdn Bhd, are offering sophisticated OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and other environment monitoring services to our clients. These highly acclaimed services including Environmental Monitoring, OSHA Assessment & Monitoring, Ambient Air Monitoring Services, Industrial Hygiene Services, Chemical Exposure Monitoring, Noise Exposure Monitoring, Air Quality Monitoring, Heat Stress, Chemical Health Risk Assessment, Consultancy, and other allied Services are performed by our qualified team. They ensure a premium execution of these services, this has helped us in creating a distinct identity for our brand in the market. We are working as a Service provider in the market, but we also offer our clients with innovative, strong and highly reliable Air Pollution Control Equipment. Our wide assortment of these services and top class equipment has made us a well recognized environment safety and health consultants of the market. We plan to improve this image further by keeping enhancing our service quality and diversifying our equipment range more in the future.

Our Client Base

Since our incorporation, we have tried to satisfy the diverse requirements of our clients with absolute perfection. This has supported us in gaining a huge customer base, our unbeatable service quality and attentive customer support have also been a major reason behind the same. Further, our fair trade policies and transparent dealing habits have also helped us in earning our patrons' trust and loyalty. Our immense growth in the market would've been impossible their constant support, some of the major clients that stood by us throughout all these years are:-

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