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Citra Spice Mart (M) Sdn Bhd

No.25G, Jalan Thamby Abdullah Satu,Off Jalan Tun Sambanthan,Kuala Lumpur.50470,Kuala Lumpur,WP kuala Lumpur

We are one of the largest retailers, wholesalers, importers and exporters of quality raw and processed spices, pulses & lentils, nuts, herbs, vathals, snack food, Indian food, Indian herbs and household necessities

Citra Spice Mart (M) Sdn Bhd has been involved in the spices, pulses and herbs trade for more than 30 years and we are experienced to meet the specific requirements of:

        Households & Individuals

        Retailers & Wholesalers

        Restaurants, Hotels, Caterers

        Supermarkets & Chains

Our conceptual outlet was launched in September, 2006 and has two storey of household items, costume jewellery and stainless steel as well as various marts to help you enjoy your shopping experience better.

The outlet also boasts ample parking space, fully air-conditioned and accepts all major credit cards.

The second and third floor of the building upholds the "Food for Mind" where classes related to Hinduism and programs are conducted by Artha Dharma and Shridi Sai Centre respectively.

The Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Malaysia also conduct weekly satsanghs in the second floor of the building.

In addition to that, we also have another outlet in Brickfields, behind YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) which boasts a traditional Indian grocery shop setting.

We continue to strive to provide fresh pure quality spices, pulses and herbs as well as your household needs and look positively to expand further!

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