KASI is a private company founded in Malaysia in 1979. Today it has 4 regional offices and is headquarted in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The company’s managing director is Datuk Captain Walter J. Nair. Key committees including the Compliance committee, report directly to the Executive Management Committee. We operate as an independent, professional firm providing professional analysis, advice and support in marine engineering and navigation, and in the management of maritime traffic.
KASI has a 38-years track record of achievement in the maritime industry progressing into provision of specialist consultancy services including shiphandling simulation. We have a unique mix of know-how, assets and facilities including state of the art 3D modelling laboratories, a full range of computational modelling tools and, above all expert staff with skill and experience.
KASI has a pedigree of excellence and a tradition of innovation which we sustain by reinvesting profits from our operations into programmes of research and development, designed to keep us, and our clients and partners, at the leading edge. With headquarters in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, KASI reaches out to clients locally and regionally through a network of partnerships and alliances.
To become a recognised industry and leading provider of integrated marine solutions
Mission Statement