Developed from 100% Arabica Beans and Bioenergy Ribose® to boost endurance and energy.
- 100% Arabica Coffee - Freshly dark roasted high-quality Arabica coffee beans. Arabica beans have delicate flavor, with pronounced acidity. It is more aromatic and less bitter.
- Bioenergy Ribose® - Developed through the fermentation of corn seed and patented in the USA. It is a natural powerful sports and energy ingredient and supports healthy energy levels for optimum athletic performance. Bioenergy Ribose® has been clinically proven to significantly improve endurance during strenuous exercise, shorten recovery time, reduce cramping and soreness, and reduce fatigue in people suffering from energy depletion.
- Guaraná (seed) - Natural herbal source of caffeine, traditionally used to enhance energy levels. The seeds from the Guarana plant are thought to contain approximately 4-6 times the concentration of Caffeine found in coffee beans.
- Boosts endurance and energy.
- Promotes muscle recovery.
- Increases alertness and physical stamina.
- Supports energetic metabolism.
- Promotes healthy weight loss.
Product Detail :
Per tube of BLACKBIXON™ ENERGY COFFEE consist of 10 capsules and it’s a Muslim friendly product.