Hanim Hassan is a contemporary artist working with diverse material to create eclectic works of art that are unlimited in scope and dimension. Her philosophy is to roam free and draw upon her inner thoughts and feelings based on her personal journey, and express them in her artworks. Her work reflects, yet encourages new interpretations by the observer.
She is bravely unpredictable on how she approaches her artworks. Her work are seen to evolve over the time due to her love in exploring new art mediums and not limiting herself in finding beauty in her surroundings and to wherever she goes or what caught her eyes. Her immense thoughts and feelings she share with her audience are not the sole purpose for awe, but also a symbol of her achieving freedom and versatilities as an artist.
1ST Solo Exhibition: A Quiet Touch by Hanim Hassan) at NSTP Gallery Bangsar (4th-28th September 2012)
Pameran Seni Tampok Karyawan Jemputan @ Galeri Gapena Ma’embong. Joint Exibition: with other local artist (pioneer to uprising artistes) from 21- October 2012
COMA – Compendium of Malaysian Art; Art Basel Hong Kong 13, Hong Kong Convention Centre (Wei-Ling Gallery and Ivan Lam) 2013
DDEDD Charity Bazaar December 2019
An Annual event organize by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spouse and Solidarity Association Turkey.
Colored with Art Exhibition 2020 organized by PERUPA collaboration with Mithilia Yain Art Gallery (Kathmandu, Nepal)